We’ve all heard about the importance of physical health- whether that involves eating healthy meals or even working out four times a week. While this is true, the discussion of one’s mental health and the importance it has on everyday life is rarely discussed. According to recent studies, 1 in 5 people struggle with mental health in some way or form. Maintaining one’s mental health can oftentimes be difficult due to the stigma surrounding it.

Stigma And Mental Health

Mental health is the emotional and psychological well being of your mind that affects how a person thinks, speaks, and acts. Keeping a healthy mind can drastically change a person’s way of life. 

So what’s the stigma tied to mental health? Stigma is the negative portrayal of mental health often shown through multiple types of media. In the public, mental health is commonly looked down upon especially when it comes to seeking professional help. This stigma can leave individuals feeling like an outcast or unable to seek help due to judgment. Whatever the case may be, it is always important to remember that you are not alone. Seeking help for mental health discomfort will always benefit you and will help relieve your concerns before it progresses into something more serious.

How To Improve Mental Health

Keeping a healthy mind can drastically change a person’s way of socializing, thinking through stressful situations, or even maintaining relationships. A few ways to improve ones mental health could be:

  • KEEPING A POSITIVE MINDSET: Instead of basking on the negatives of life, focus on the positives in every situation. Despite how difficult it may be, the benefit of thinking about life through this lense will help you handle heavy situations and work through stressful circumstances.

  • HAVING A SUPPORT GROUP: Isolation can be one of the most damaging things one does when dealing with mental health related problems. The inability to talk through hardships with peers can damage your ability to work through these tough times. Whether it is friends, family or even a local support group, discussing your problems with those who care about you could help improve mental discomfort.

  • STAYING ACTIVE: Surprisingly, staying active and performing simple exercises can help individuals improve their mindset. When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins, which are also known as ‘feel good chemicals’, that quite literally can make your brain feel better. Going for a walk, partaking on a light jog, or even participating in a yoga class, can help revive your mindset.

  • AVOID IDEAS OF PERFECTIONISM:  Let’s admit it. Everyone stresses about the idea of perfection. No matter how it may seem, no one is ever truly perfect. Everyone has their own struggles one way or another, even if it goes unnoticed. Trying to achieve perfection is just another way to set yourself up for negative thinking and disappointment due to its impractical standards. Instead of striving to be perfect, set realistic goals within your life that can help further you along without the expectation of perfection.

  • SEEKING THERAPY: As scary as it sounds, one of the best ways to improve your mental health is through therapy. No matter the case, therapy can help relinquish the troubles of one’s mind. The ability to talk to a licensed professional about mental discomfort can help you learn how to handle stressful situations on your own or even encourage you to work through hard discussions.

Just like a person’s physical health, taking care of your mental health is extremely important for your well-being. Despite your age, gender, or any other factor, improving your mental health will not only benefit you but will benefit your state of mind and life. 

At Teche Action Clinic, we have a variety of sources, ranging from licensed psychiatrists to certified counselors, who can help provide treatment, counseling and medication to those struggling with mental or emotional disorders.